Bringing Light to the Darkness of Human Trafficking (Trafficking in Persons)

human trafficking better world
Photo: Our Better World

Human trafficking can happen anywhere — yes, even in low-crime Singapore. This is the story of Lilis, a human trafficking victim who was tricked into believing that a better job (and life) awaited her in Singapore. After her mother passed away, she was ostracized and treated badly by her family members, who battered her self-esteem. Desperate to contribute financially to her family, she took up a job offer in Singapore and ended up forced to work in a brothel here — all this happened when she was only 14.

Thankfully, she managed to escape, and a kind-hearted taxi driver drove her to a police station without charging her for the ride. After her rescue, she was placed in a shelter, and that’s where she met people from Hagar Singapore, an organization that comes to the aid of women and children survivors of human rights abuse. They were the ones who helped her return home.

Watch her story unfold below and read on about human trafficking in Singapore here.
