Bringing Light to the Darkness of Human Trafficking (Trafficking in Persons)

OVC encourages local organizations to use these resources throughout the year at public awareness, education, and training events to promote and advance the cause of justice for victims of crime.

The series is intended to be used for outreach and education efforts of service providers, law enforcement, prosecutors, and others in the community. The series includes information about sex and labor trafficking, multidisciplinary approaches to serving victims of human trafficking, effective victim services, victims' legal needs, and voices of survivors.

Accompanying the video series is a discussion guide, four OVC Fact Sheets, and four posters that can be used to augment trainings and generate discussion. Download the complete Discussion Guide or the sections associated with each video below.

The Fact Sheets provide an introduction to human trafficking, information on the legal needs and rights of victims of human trafficking in the United States, information on the special considerations and needs of youth victims, and promising practices for building effective collaborations to address human trafficking.

Know the Faces of Human Trafficking Posters

The posters are designed to target specific audiences—service providers and allied professionals, law enforcement, the general public, and victims/survivors. Download the posters and customize them with information about your organization, training opportunities, or local service providers.

final poster victor
Click on the image to download a customizable PDF. (View larger image)
final poster Suamhirs
Click on the image to download a customizable PDF. (View larger image)
final poster jeri
Click on the image to download a customizable PDF. (View larger image)
final poster amy
Click on the image to download a customizable PDF. (View larger image)

Faces of Human Trafficking Video Series

Faces of Human Trafficking Preview Video

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This 3-minute video is a preview of a 9-part video series that is designed to raise awareness of human trafficking.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 1: An Introduction

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video introduces the issue of human trafficking—both sex and labor trafficking—in the United States in order to raise awareness and provide a foundation for further discussion and training.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 2: An Introduction to Sex Trafficking

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video provides an overview of sex trafficking. It features survivors and professionals—including law enforcement, judges, and social service, legal, and health care providers—who share information on victim indicators, ways victims are often identified, how professionals may come into contact with victims of sex trafficking, and industries where sex trafficking is more common.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 3: An Introduction to Labor Trafficking

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video provides an overview of labor trafficking. It features survivors and professionals—including law enforcement, judges, social service, legal and health care providers—who share information on victim indicators, ways victims are often identified, how professionals may come into contact with victims of labor trafficking, and industries where labor trafficking is more common.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 4: A Multidisciplinary Approach

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video highlights task force and other multidisciplinary initiatives, demonstrating the collaborations needed to serve victims of trafficking effectively, bring traffickers to justice, and build the community's capacity.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 5: Effective Victim Services

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video includes information on the importance of providing victim-centered, trauma-informed services to meet the wide array of needs experienced by trafficking victims. Coordination and collaboration are critical in responding to the diverse population of trafficking survivors, as no one provider can meet all of the needs of all types of trafficking victims.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 6: Focus on Youth

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video highlights the specific vulnerabilities, risk factors, and needs of youth, with a focus on the diverse range of professionals who are in a position to identify exploited youth and connect them with appropriate services.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 7: Legal Needs and Rights of Victims

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video details the array of comprehensive legal needs a victim of human trafficking may have, including issues of immigration, family law, housing, bankruptcy, employment law, public benefits access, criminal defense, rights enforcement, and civil actions.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 8: The Victim-Centered Case

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video features survivors, service providers, prosecutors, and local law enforcement who have worked on human trafficking cases that have ended with a successful prosecution. They stress the importance of proactive cases and collecting various kinds of evidence rather than relying solely on victim testimony.


Faces of Human Trafficking Video 9: Now That We Are Free

December 2015
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

This video features survivors of human trafficking who are resilient, thriving members of their communities. They share insight on the support systems, services, and personal journeys that helped them persevere, with words of encouragement for others who were or may still be in situations of human trafficking.


The Faces of Human Trafficking PSA

January 2014
Series: Faces of Human Trafficking

On January 14, 2014, OVC debuted the "Faces of Human Trafficking" public service announcement (PSA), which is highlighted in the 2014 National Crime Victims' Rights Week Resource Guide. The goal of the PSA is to raise public awareness of human trafficking and highlight that survivors of this crime have very diverse backgrounds and experiences. The PSA is also available in Spanish, Thai, Hindi, and Tagalog. Download the PSA.


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