INTRODUCTION This standard operating procedure (SOP) manual is intended as a guide for all stakeholders and relevant persons responsible for combating human trafficking in Ghana, with an emphasis on child trafficking. It aims to improve the efficiency of all stakeholders to protect victims of human trafficking within Ghana, especially children. With so many actors involved in responding to human trafficking in Ghana, the Government recognizes the value of a standardized and harmonized response. No single stakeholder can effectively combat human trafficking, but a coordinated response is only possible when clear and coordinated procedures, such as what this manual presents, are adopted by all stakeholders.
This SOP guide consists of chapters on identification and screening protocols, systematic investigation of cases of child trafficking, and providing comprehensive, gender-sensitive and trauma-informed assistance. This document aligns with national legislation on trafficking in persons (TiP), including the 2005 Human Trafficking Act (Act 694), the 2009 Human Trafficking Amendment Act (Act 784) and the 2015 Human Trafficking Legislative Instrument 2219 (L.I. 2219). Itwas drafted,reviewed and approved by national stakeholders. Although contextualized to Ghana, it is framed by international standards, best practices and guiding principles.
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